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Time and Cost Saving Calculator: Gecko Software Saving Calculator

Saving Calculator

geckosoftware > Saving Calculator

Saving Calculator

Permit Process Number of Permit requests per month Insert no of permits issued per month
Average Hourly Rate for a tradesman Insert average hourly rate for a tradesman
Average hourly rate for a manager Insert average hourly rate for a manager
Hours saved per month using e permits Total time saving per month
Cost saving per month using e permits Total cost saving per month
RAMS Saving Number of RAMS created per month Insert Number of Rams created per month
Average Hourly Rate for a tradesman
Average hourly rate for a manager
Hours saved per month using e permits Total time saving per month
Cost saving per month using e permits Total cost saving per month
Toolbox Talk Number of Talks created per month Insert no of Talks created per month
Average Hourly Rate for a tradesman
Average hourly rate for a manager
Hours saved per month using e permits Total time saving per month
Cost saving per month using e permits Total cost saving per month
LOTO Saving Number of Loto actions created per month Column 3 Value
Average Hourly Rate for a tradesman
Average hourly rate for a manager
Hours saved per month using e permits Total time saving per month
Cost saving per month using e permits Total cost saving per month
Total Cost Savings Per Month (E Permit vs Paper Systems)
Total Hours Saved Per Month (E Permit vs Paper Systems)

The times, durations and savings indicated have been benchmarked on live projects within the UK and Europe.

Number of permits per month
Permit Request
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker at completing permit requests
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (20 mins) each total in Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Permit Approval
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker at completing permit Approval
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (10 mins) each in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Moving Paper Based Permits
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than filing a peper permit
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (20 mins) each total in Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Re-use of Risk & Method Statements
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than filing a paper permit
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (30 mins) each total in Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Audits and Compliance
Global's PTW System is 50% quicker when used to autid permits
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Autid Time (@ 60mins ea.)5% audited total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Paper based in hrs E Permit in hrs Cost saving
Time Comparison

Number of RAMS per month
RAMS Creation
Global's PTW System is 50% quicker at RAMS Creation
No of Monthly RAMS per month Minimum Manual Time Taken (60 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
RAMS Approval
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker for RAMS approval
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (30 mins) each in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Moving Paper Based RAMS
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than filing paper RAMS
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (20 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Re-use of Risk & Method Statements
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than using paper RAMS
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (30 mins) each total in Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Audits and Compliance
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker when used to audit RAMS
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Audit Time (@ 60mins ea.) 10% audited total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Paper based in hrs E Permit in hrs Cost saving
Time Comparison

Number of permits per month
Toolbox Talk Creation
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker at creating Toolbox Talks
No of Monthly Talks per month Minimum Manual Time Taken (60 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Conducting Toolbox Talks
Global's PTW System is 30% quicker when conduction talks
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (30 mins) each in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Moving Paper Toolbox Talks
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than filing paper talks
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Movement Time (20 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Te-use of Toolbox Talks
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than fusing paper talks
No of Monthly requests Minimum review time (30 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Audits and compliance
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker when used to audit toolbox talks
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Audit Time (@ 60 mins ea.) 10% audited total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Paper based in hrs E Permit in hrs Cost saving
Time Comparison

Number of LOTO month
Energisation / Isolation Request
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker at creating LOTO Tasks
No of Monthly LOTO's per month Minimum Manual Time Taken (45 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
LOTO Approval
Global's PTW System is 50% quicker for the approval of LOTO tasks
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Time Taken (30 mins) each in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Moving Paper Requests
Global's PTW System is 95% quicker than filing paper talks
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Movement Time (20 mins) each total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Audits and Compliance
Global's PTW System is 75% quicker when used to audit LOTO's
No of Monthly requests Minimum Manual Audit Time (@ 60 mins ea.) 10% audited total in hrs Time saved using Global PTW System (HRS) Cost saving using Global PTW System Per Month
Paper based in hrs E Permit in hrs Cost saving
Time Comparison

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